Ludicrous, If Not Idiotic

Ludicrous, If Not Idiotic

Here’s homework for you: With this time that we have, with it, what else do you want to learn? This is just me, but I find it to have the knowledge, the time, and the focus that we have with our added years that we don’t do more with it. This is just me,...
Ludicrous, If Not Idiotic

There Were Days When I Was Crying!

Dr. Otto: You went through a massive physical change. I wouldn’t say change. Would you call it a change, an upgrade? What would you call it? A transformation, as it was, it could not have been easy that whole time. How did the breathwork affect you? Mel, give us...
Ludicrous, If Not Idiotic

We Aren’t 20 Years Different

I asked students the other day, “If asked you on your phone right now, this half of the class give me the top ten foods which you know are the most harmful for you.” This side of the class gave me the top ten foods which are actually bona fide healthiest...
Ludicrous, If Not Idiotic

You Are On Your Own, Johnny!

Why in America do we have a stark demarcation over the age of 50? It seems rather obvious that our health care system says, “You’re on your own there, Johnny.” A stark, stark demarcation line, boom, that we have 93% of the people who died of Covid...
Ludicrous, If Not Idiotic

My Longevity Is My Fault

“No wait, you don’t understand: It’s genetic!” How long I’m going to be around “it’s genetic?” It’s absolutely wrong. Harvard did a study a short time ago, came out of Harvard University in which they looked at and...
Ludicrous, If Not Idiotic

We CAN Do What Tom Brady Does

Is there anything in here that Tom Brady does that you really can’t do? I could do all those. It then is the process of doing it. The biggest problem is that you’re not regimented. You’re not regimented like Tom Brady is. You can tell me you...