For years people have been looking for those keys that help unlock the door to LONGEVITY. We are inundated daily with an onslaught of commercials and ads showing us how to rejuvenate this, replenish THAT, or revitalize another thing. All of this infotainment is aimed squarely at the  idea of aging, and your fear of growing old.  

IF! If only there were a reference we could use to help us, if only there were people who ARE living, and living WELL, AND living WELL into their 90s and 100s. Who are not only alive, but they are LIVING, contributing to their families, communities, and their friends. Where they are active, moving about daily, in constant and consistent contact with friends and family, pushing themselves physically – because they want to, and because they are healthy enough to do just that.  

There ARE communities around the world where it is EXPECTED that you WILL live into your 90s and 100s. And unlike the American view on life expectancy that ANTICIPATES a physical, mental, and emotional decline, other communities EXPECT robust health, community connection, exuberant communication, and making the roots of the family tree ever more connected 

There IS such a book. It is called the Blue Zones, by Dan Buettner and I highly recommend you get it, read it, analyze it, and live it. Why try to invent all of this when we can follow the leaders?