Hello Visitor , Thank you for being a "Vitality" subscriber.
Thank you for coming along on learning more about YOU, and how your next decades can become your NEXT BEST DECADES.
If you ever have any questions, always feel free to contact me: otto@empirelongevity.com. Thank you.
A Case of the "I'm ON-AGAIN, and OFF-AGAINS"
A quick search of how many people STOP their New Year program finds this startling number: "According to most studies, around 80% of people who make a New Year's resolution to exercise quit by February, meaning a large majority of people who start working out in the new year give up within a short period."
Interesting in that those same 80% said to themselves "THIS year is the year that I ..." and that 80% contacted a gym, signed up, probably got new sneaks/clothes, went to an orientation - first time in the gym tour, and thought to themselves 'yup, I'm gonna do it'. Yet a few weeks later - done.
Here is a very simple idea for you: Longevity is you doing daily healthy things.
It's you doing those things that will stack the deck in your favor for the best, healthy outcome.
So how do you get those days, then weeks, then months, years, and decades with longevity in mind?
I have clients start with a 30 day goal. Yes, only 30 days, until that 'program', that 'way of life', becomes YOUR way of life.
I no longer have to schedule my gym time. I KNOW that I will be in Vine Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sundays. I no longer HAVE to schedule my sleep. I start it at 9pm letting the dog out, taking care of the cats, going to the bathroom, brushing my teeth, putting on my PJs with the feet in them, taking my Hulk Hogan vitamins, saying my prayers, setting my alarm and sleep meditation. Done. But THAT is how I do it and am regimented about that so much that is now my WAY OF LIVING.
So start with the next 30 days. See the long view of what you truly want to accomplish - the weight loss, the move better, the feel better, the look better in the dress for that wedding - whatever THAT is - write it down and have it on your bathroom mirro for you to see daily.
Then plan out your next 30 days of workout time/day, what you are going to DO there, and then your food. Start with menus of foods you like, make a shopping list and but ONLY those foods. If it is not on the list you don't buy it. And be honest with yourself about what you eat. We all have those small addictions that we tolerate - the "I have to have something sweet before I go to bed", or the "I like to eat (....) when I am watching my program". All the STUFF we tell ourselves.
Start with the next 30 days. My dear Lord, if you stuck with it for ONLY 30 days you would be WAY ahead of the 80% who tanked it.
Here is a key point: at day 25 - make a new plan for the NEXT 30 days.
And then repeat this simple method until it becomes YOU.
Need help getting there? email me and we can set up a consult. I will send you a questionnaire, fill it out, and then we schedule your ZOOM plan. The fee for your plan is $125. I am telling you upfront as some of you will want to know.
Longevity is YOU doing daily healthy things.
-Dr. J.
There is no one single bullet to make your longevity a reality. It takes small steps done every day, consistently for years. Yes, it seems daunting, but the benefits are outrageous. - Dr. J.