Your Health – A Core Understanding


Your own health is a critical aspect of your longevity. There is no other way around it. To be able to enjoy longevity, to squeeze the sparks out of days, months, years and decades you have to make your own personal health a priority. From the times that you want to spend with your friends or grandchildren, to the moments of catching your favorite ...

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  1390 Hits

A Thousand Points of Light. And they are ALL connected.


In the Magician's Nephew C.S. Lewis describes the previously dark heaven of Narnia and the appearance of all the stars in it as 'a thousand points of light'. That term was then later used by George H. W. Bush in his Presidential acceptance speech as he likened the clubs and volunteerism of America to "a brilliant diversity spread like stars, like a...

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  768 Hits

LONGEVITY and Your Posture: How you are built will dictate how you live.


One of the integral parts of the Empire Longevity Pyramid of Health is MOTION (see the Empire Longevity White Paper: A Core Understanding). Easily the most overlooked aspect of this facet is how your posture is critical for your best health and LONGEVITY. Overlooked, or interpreted incorrectly on many health exams, posture is an inexpensive, if not...

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  608 Hits

LONGEVITY and the Politics of Health Care


We are still a long, very raucous, and what will be a very tiring run up to the 2020 Presidential election. One of the very heated talking points, and one that will be under the very deep inspection by EMPIRE LONGEVITY, is Health Care. The Democrat leaders in the race are stumping for a Medicare For All type of health care system, in which everyone...

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  1149 Hits

Music and Your Longevity

Music-Longevity Music and Your Longevity

Jen is currently the Chair of the Cortland Music Department in Cortland, NY and teaches middle school choir, general music and high school modern band. In her tenure at Cortland she has been recognized for her passion and excellence in teaching, receiving the regional Apple for the Teacher Award and the Cortland Peer Recognition Award. Her commitme...

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  1095 Hits

EL – A Year without Doctors

A-yr.-wo-Docs EL – A Year without Doctors

"Yes, you DO have great insurance. It's just that we do not have enough doctors to see all the patients we have" could be a very real problem, very quickly. In 2018 the Association of American Medical Colleges made the dire prediction that America will have a shortage of 120,000 doctors by 2030. Just when the end of the Baby Boomers will be well en...

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  996 Hits

ROCKET FUEL: Eat Like a Peasant. Live Like a King

Empire-Longevity-senior-citizen-baby-boomer-life-expansion-08-980x654 ROCKET FUEL: Eat like a peasant. Live like a king.

The simplicity of eating food that is not only interesting, but full of taste AND can help you to be healthier is a basis of the Empire Longevity Pyramid of Health. Discussed often and mentioned through out Empire Longevity, ROCKET FUEL is not based on eating fads, trends, or the latest weight loss/cleanse program. The ROCKET FUEL portion of Empire...

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  907 Hits

Ludicrous, If Not Idiotic


Here's homework for you: With this time that we have, with it, what else do you want to learn? This is just me, but I find it to have the knowledge, the time, and the focus that we have with our added years that we don't do more with it. This is just me, but I think we need to make a bigger impact upon our communities, upon our families, upon our f...

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  838 Hits

#2: 2MP – Be a Terrible Host


Amongst the everyday deluge of the seemingly incessant messages of even bigger parts of the healthy sky falling to the ground is the intentional vacuum of how just incredible YOUR body is. You are regularly bashed over the head on how bad THAT bug is, and the NEXT one coming could be even worse when all the while not a peep on just how you and I, o...

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  761 Hits

#1: 2MP – Another Pair of Sneakers


By far the hardest thing to overcome for any long journey is idea that it IS a long journey. Who the hell in their right mind says to themselves "You know, I fully understand this is going to be a long journey and I SO look forward to every day of it". It just doesn't happen. Be honest. If you REALLY knew how long your life was going to be you prob...

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  700 Hits

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