#37: 2MP – Firemen and Architects 

  What has become obvious in our health care system in America is the dichotomy of thoughts that surround actually CARING for you and I. The two thoughts are that there should be a focus on treating the symptom that you arrived to the doctor with, and the very much...

#36: 2MP – Happy and Prudent for LONGEVITY 

It’s not always the most optimistic outlook that helps you into LONGEVITY. What IS necessary is a sheer determined view that you will do what it takes to get there. That view is not always having a happy go lucky optimistic view, but one of ‘damn the torpedoes’...

#34: 2MP – Inhaling the Education 

Day 34: Inhaling the Education  It was not all that long ago that if you wanted to learn another language, learn a specific trade, or even to write a book, you would have to mail money and a letter to a company and weeks later they would send you your language course,...