#34: 2MP – Inhaling the Education 

Day 34: Inhaling the Education  It was not all that long ago that if you wanted to learn another language, learn a specific trade, or even to write a book, you would have to mail money and a letter to a company and weeks later they would send you your language course,...

#31: 2MP – It’s the little things. 

  Many times we think that it is what we HAVE to give people is how we create our LONGEVITY – the physical objects from our lives that have meaning to us, and when we pass them down we create a solid memento that we were here. And I have looked for and hold dearly...

#30: 2MP – NOT Saving Medicare 

  If we were to take a deep look into how either of our two major political parties has an agenda for you and I, and the rest of the American population, you will see that there frankly IS NO agenda, there really is no plan on how to help more Americans to not...